
Warming Winter Soups

Warming Winter Soups

In this coolish, almost winter weather, I am thinking of soup, glorious soup. Soup must have been one of the earliest cooked meals humans invented. They likely cooked the food in some kind of pot in a pit lined with hot stones. Water would enhance the mixture, and after a while, SOUP!

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3 Ways to Avoid Lonely Holidays

3 Ways to Avoid Lonely Holidays

For people who live alone or have lost someone close to them, it may feel like there is no one around to spend time with during the holidays. In most cases, that is simply not true. Combat holiday loneliness with these 3 simple tips.

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Social Justice Fund Helps Justice Studio Bring Art to Youth at the Pinellas Regional JDC

Social Justice Fund Helps Justice Studio Bring Art to Youth at the Pinellas Regional JDC

With funds from private donors and the PCF Social Justice Fund, Justice Studio offers a visual arts education to students who are detained at the Pinellas Regional Juvenile Detention Center. Besides meeting educational needs, the program often has a therapeutic effect on the students by offering an artistic outlet for them.

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