Rolling Out Support to Those in Need

Senior Citizens Services is proud to support Wheels of Success, a nonprofit organization that helps low- to moderate-income families find transportation solutions to maintain their independence.

Since 2003, Wheels of Success has provided 795 vehicles and another 664 car-related services to families in need. The latest program participant is a woman named J.F., who is a single grandmother caring for her 16-year-old grandson.

Adding Stability to Family Life

Between going to and from work, taking her grandson to school and running basic errands, transportation was a major obstacle for J.F. While she was able to get occasional rides from friends or coworkers, that was unreliable and often left her stranded. Asking for rides every day was embarrassing, and J.F. worried about her own safety when she walked home alone.

J.F. struggled with finding a transportation solution for a long time. Even when she could buy a car, it never seemed to last long, and she couldn’t afford repairs. In her words, “Each year, I look forward to tax-return time in order to purchase a used car that doesn’t even make it through the entire year.”

Wheels of Success came to the rescue. J.F. sent her story to Wheels of Success, and was presented a car thanks to the Wheels of Success Build-A-Car program.

Now, J.F. will be able to take her grandson to school, make it to work on time and go grocery shopping without worrying about how to get there.

Helping People Get There

Wheels of Success supports individuals and families in Florida struggling with reliable transportation. They help hardworking applicants learn about vehicle ownership and maintenance, and they eventually match them to a refurbished, donated vehicle with appropriate funding to cover the cost of repairs.

Wheels of Success accepts used car donations year-round. You can contact them for more information, or contact PCF to learn about other ways you can help Pinellas residents like J.F.

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