Meet The Board of Governors
The Pinellas Community Foundation (PCF) board of governors is responsible for guiding strategic direction and developing grant-making policies. The board ensures your funds are distributed in a manner that best reflects your wishes. In the case of unrestricted assets, funds in which you empower PCF to distribute your donations where needed, the board evaluates grant applications to determine where the greatest community need exists. While trust agreements may authorize the disbursement of the principal as well as income, it is the policy of the board to distribute only income to protect the longevity of the donor’s gift.
How is the Board of Governors Chosen?
The board of governors appointment system is designed to ensure board members represent the leadership and diversity of Pinellas County. The organizational agreement delegates board appointment decisions to:
The Trustees Committee of PCF makes two appointments, and the Board of Governors may elect the option of appointing six additional members.
Meet Our Dedicated Staff
Our dedicated staff oversees daily operations and is always available to assist you.