Steven Seibert

Steven M. Seibert, J.D.


Steven M. Seibert recently retired from serving as the executive director of Florida Humanities, the statewide nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Steven oversaw the organization’s work in developing, funding, and sponsoring hundreds of public programs that explore Florida’s history, culture, values, and ideas in communities around the state.

​Before heading Florida Humanities, Steven served as a member and chair of its board of directors.

Steven was elected to two terms on the Pinellas County Commission, starting in 1992, and served as its chairperson twice. He chaired or sat on several regional and statewide committees, usually dealing with water, transportation, land use, or environmental issues.

Governor Jeb Bush tapped Steven in 1999 to lead Florida’s Department of Community Affairs. He served in that capacity until 2003. Governor Bush called Steven “an outstanding public servant” and said, “His ability to bring people together to achieve meaningful reforms will be his lasting legacy.” Seibert has received notable appointments from four different Florida governors and the Florida Supreme Court chief justice.

A Florida Supreme Court-certified mediator for over 20 years, Steven gained a statewide reputation for helping resolve contentious public and private sector disputes. He was awarded the statewide Excellence in Mediation Award and was significantly involved in helping to broker the end of the Tampa Bay “water wars.” He holds an “AV Preeminent” legal rating and has been named one of Florida’s “Legal Elite” by Florida Trend magazine.