Feats of Independence: Overcoming Blindness
As we enter ACT II of our lives, we face new challenges and sometimes need a little help. Here’s what happened to Sherwood White and how Lighthouse of Pinellas helped him embrace the second act of his life.
Three years ago, Sherwood became legally blind. He could no longer drive or work, so he sold his business. For some people, that would have been the end. Sherwood isn’t some people.
“Your eyesight is not going to get any better; it is actually going to get worse,” said Sherwood’s doctor several years ago. “I’m not telling you that to depress you. I’m telling you because I know you, and you are going to figure out what to do.”
After working with an occupational therapist and talking to doctors about possible corrective surgery, Sherwood eventually found Lighthouse of Pinellas.
“It was a little harder — figuring out what to do — than I thought,” says Sherwood.
Lighthouse of Pinellas, A Beacon in the Dark
The Lighthouse of Pinellas helped Sherwood adapt to life as a legally blind person. They set him up with classes and transportation, so he could learn how to use tools and techniques designed for visually impaired people.
“After a year of instruction and help through the Lighthouse of Pinellas, I was able to set everything up here to where I can pretty much do everything I could do [at my office],” says Sherwood. “It’s not as fast, but [I can do it].”
Sherwood didn’t stop with simply improving his own life. He now invites other visually impaired people to his home to teach them everything he’s learned.
“I’ll have people come here and spend an hour with me, and I can bring them up to speed on stuff that it took me six months to find out,” says Sherwood.
When he’s not working, volunteering or teaching, Sherwood does an incredible Elvis impression. Sometimes he does it just for fun, and sometimes he does it as part of his volunteerism. You haven’t heard “Can’t Help Falling in Love” until you’ve heard Sherwood’s rendition. He sings the same way he does everything in life: with gusto.
Thanks to Lighthouse of Pinellas, Sherwood continues to spread his good vibes, knowledge and loving spirit with everyone he meets right here in Pinellas County.