Huntley Grant


PCF offers an annual grant opportunity to expand and enrich programs at arts-focused agencies serving the students of Pinellas County.

Janet A. Huntley Arts Enrichment for Youth Grant

Janet A. Huntley established a field-of-interest fund to support art teachers in the Pinellas County School System in support of visual and performing arts education. This grant is specifically for mentoring K – 12 PCS students in Title I or Title II schools, and funds the cost of sending an artist to teach a fine art, performing art or cultural experience.

Administrative expenses such as salaries, rent or overhead are not eligible for grant funding.

Rebecca Hughes

Director of Grants Management

How Can I Help?


This an invitation-only grant, reserved for 501(c)(3) organizations that have an existing relationship with Pinellas County Schools (PCS). Both new and continuing programs are acceptable.

Requests for funding will be considered only for arts education departments offering programs for underserved constituencies of all ages to support expenditures for the following:

  • Artist or instructor fees for existing or new arts education projects and programs.

  • Transportation fees to bring students or older adults to exhibitions or performances.

  • Tuition waivers for current programs, classes, workshops, summer intensives, etc.

  • Art supplies and arts education curriculum materials, including software. (Equipment may be purchased for the arts education program if the cost is less than $500.00 and must be detailed in the proposal budget.)

Grant funds must be used in the fiscal year immediately following the grant award. Applications must meet the specific criteria for expenditures detailed above. Applications not meeting the required criteria will not be reviewed.

Grant Conditions

Organizations receiving the Janet A. Huntley grant agree that they will not use grant funds for salaries, rent, or other administrative overhead. Furthermore, grantees also agree to the following requirements:

  • The PCF logo must be posted on your organization’s website linked to

  • The PCF name and logo must appear on collateral, letterhead and other external marketing materials that feature sponsors (where appropriate)

  • An opportunity to present to the nonprofit agency’s board of directors regarding partnerships and opportunities with PCF

  • An annual tour of facilities

Exceptions to any above condition must be made in writing with or before application.

Award Amounts

The maximum award value is $15,000. Lesser amounts may also be awarded.

Important Dates

Application Timeline

The 2024 application for the Huntley will open March 4, 2024. Renewal applicants will receive an invitation by email with an access code for the application.

Award Distribution

Awards for the 2024 cycle will be announced in June 2024 with payment shortly thereafter.

Application Format and Access

Grant applications are based on storytelling, as our goal is to tell the stories of our community. Who can better tell the story of our communities than the organizations that work with them?

PCF Receive

Questions and Deadline

Questions regarding application content will only be answered up to one week before the application deadline. After this point, only technology-related questions regarding the grants platform will be answered.

If you have any questions or technological problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to PCF staff. Please see Important Dates above to view grant deadlines. Do not wait until the last week to begin the application.

Applications must be submitted during the application period. Only online submissions are accepted. Please remember to click the submit button prior to the deadline. Applications in the system that are not submitted will be marked abandoned at the deadline.