operating grants


Roofs, walls, servers, trucks and cars: the essentials you need to get your organization from point A to point B of fulfilling your mission. They aren’t programs, but you need funds to make them happen.

Capital Improvement and Equipment Grants from PCF are for projects of a durable and non-programmatic nature, such as construction projects and equipment upgrades, and are awarded in amounts of up to $20,000.

Rebecca Hughes

Director of Grants Management

How Can I Help?


You are eligible to apply for an operating grant if your organization:

  • Is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

  • Has a physical presence in Pinellas County

  • Will only spend funds within Pinellas County

  • Fits within the focus areas as identified by the PCF Board of Governors

  • Is a direct service provider

  • Has been operational AND providing direct services/programs for at least 1 year prior to application

Your organization is ineligible to apply if it is a: hospital, school (including a college or university), animal welfare organization, house of worship, government, continuing care retirement community, or foundation, regardless of tax status.

Organizations with multiple programs or sub-organizations may only submit one application.

If you have received a grant from PCF before, non-compliance with the requirements of those grants, such as failing to use PCF’s logo on marketing materials or not completing follow-up reports, will have a negative impact on your application.

Special Note: Please submit only one application, even if requesting funds for more than one capital improvement or equipment project. Prioritize projects if submitting more than one project request.

Award Amounts

Capital Improvement and Equipment Grant awards range from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $20,000.

Important Dates

Application Timeline

The 2022-23 Capital Improvement & Equipment cycle has been delayed. PCF will post more information soon regarding a revised timeline for this grant proess.

Review Criteria

Letters of Intent will be reviewed on the basis of programmatic strength, project feasibility, and how impactful the proposal is on the outcomes of your organization’s clients.

Full proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Clear Story: PCF uses a unique storytelling application to better understand who is served by your organization and how you can help. We want to make sure you understand your clients’ challenges, and your role in helping.

  • Need: Your request for funds must be a reasonable solution to the problem you identify in your story, and you should have data or research to show that your improvement is a natural fit to address the need. Your capital improvement or equipment request must support your mission and the solution to the identified problem.

  • Solution: Strong leadership, clear and measurable outcomes, and a coherent plan for your proposed project are all crucial elements to a good application.

  • Financials: We want to be sure that all proposed projects are financially sound. Strong applications will have a reasonable, cost-sensitive budget with achievable outcomes that display all sources of funding. If there are budget variances, they should be explained.

CDC Check

Grant Conditions

Capital Improvement & Equipment Grant from PCF, your organization agrees to:

  • Properly accredit PCF through use of the most recent logo on:

  • Organization website with a link to https://pinellascf.org

  • Collateral, letterhead, and other external marketing material that feature sponsors (where appropriate)

  • Grant PCF the opportunity to visit your board of directors regarding partnerships and further opportunities with PCF

  • Provide up to 3 PCF board members and/or staff with a tour of facilities at once during the grant period

  • Provide photos from the supported program/work

Any exceptions to these conditions must be made in writing by both PCF and your organization before you submit your application.