Preserving Family Legacy and Memory

After the tragic death of Mike and PA Kushner’s vivacious 19-year-old son Logan, the family was determined to keep their beloved son’s memory alive by continuing his commitment to bold acts of kindness. The Kushner’s consulted with an attorney to explore their charitable options and learned creating a private family foundation would not only be costly but require up to a year to secure their tax exempt status.

“It was important to me to get started right away,” said PA Kushner. “Our attorney suggested we look into the Pinellas Community Foundation (PCF), which turned out to be the perfect fit. They quickly gave us the legal umbrella we needed to become a viable 501 (c)(3) and expertly manage all administrative aspects of our tax and financial obligations. PCF has freed us to focus on what’s most important, honoring Logan’s incredible legacy.”

Funds of the Pinellas Community Foundation

The Pinellas Community Foundation offers several personalized options to support your philanthropic goals with a fund named according to your wishes.

Unrestricted Funds

Allow PCF to determine where the community need is greatest.

Restricted Funds

Select the charitable organization(s) you would like your endowment to benefit.

Field of Interest Funds

Choose a cause such as hunger or education, and PCF will conduct an annual assessment to allocate your gift where it is most needed to meet your wishes.

Donor Advised Fund

Actively direct distributions of your charitable fund and receive a tax credit in the year of your donation.

Scholarship Funds

Provide the opportunity for a deserving student to achieve their academic and career goals.

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