Pinellas Community Foundation Fund Directory
Supporting PCF allows you to create meaningful impact both locally and globally. Whether addressing urgent local issues or championing broader causes you care about, your contributions can make a significant difference.
A – B
A Cubed Diabetic Donations Fund
Irma L. Abberton
Anderson Family Fund
Martha E. Anderson and Claire J. Lipinsky
Anonymous (2)
Edith King Pierce Archer
Area Agency of Aging of Pasco-Pinellas Fund
Glenn and Carol Arthur
Glenn and Carol Arthur Field of Interest Fund
The AWIARE Endowment Fund
Phyllis E. Bailey Memorial Trust
Emma D. Banks
Charles and Ollie Belt
J.M. Beijar Fund
Ernest and Carolyn Benedict
Thomasene Bennett
Bollenback Philanthropic Fund
Bon Secours St. Petersburg Legacy Fund
Margaret Boudreau
John A. Brady
Tom Bruckman Operating Fund
Ruth M. Burgett
William P. Bushnell
Byrnes Family Foundation
C – F
Canady Community Fund
Mary Chambers Carroll Fund
Joseph A. Clapp
Helen K. Clark
Maurice Condon
Cooley Family Foundation
Janet L. Cooper
James Patrick Corcoran
Emery O. and Lucille C. Cormier
Crabby for a Cause
Cohen Family Foundation
Scott and Verna V. Crain
Dalton Family Foundation
Clara K. Dalzell
Kenneth Whitney Dalzell
Edith J. Deihl
Deuces Ignite Field of Interest Fund
Nicolas J. Dissler
The Dreaming of Tampa Bay Fund
Dunedin Kellogg Mansion Virtual Preservation Fund
Dunedin Public Theater Foundation
Maria Nieves Edmonds Memorial Fund
Robert A. and Martha T. Eifert Memorial Loan
Marguerite Emanuelsen
Carl L. and Ruth A. Engelhardt
Faith Mission Christian Fund
Michael Fields Memorial Fund
Fighting Chance Charitable Support Fund
Fred and Aleta Fisher
John S. Flint Field of Interest Fund
Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg Community Fund
George E. Franchere
Earl and Dorothy A. Frazell Memorial Fund
G – H
Charles S. and Gail F. Gamble
Elizabeth B. Gordon
Billy Graham Association Fund
Selma B. Graham Scholarship in Memory of Warren J. Bowman
Mario E. Granata
Cathleen W. Grant Fund for Environmental Protection
Cathleen W. Grant Fund for Public Communications
Edith B. Green
John B. and Lillian Green
Elsie Griffin
Grotenberg Fund
Carmela Haberl
Habitat for Humanity of Pinellas and West Pasco Counties Reserve Fund
Marjorie E. Hamilton
Joy Anne Harris Discretionary Fund
Joy Anne Harris Scholarship
Mary K. Haworth
Aaron F. Head
Helen Hodges Fuller Memorial Fund benefitting Faith Mission
Ernest Boyd and Roxea Udell Hendrix Discretionary Fund
Ernest Boyd and Roxea Udell Hendrix Fund for Alzheimer’s
Dorothy B. Howard
Janet A. Huntley Music and Arts Public Education Fund
Willis Edward Hutchinson
I – M
JWB Family Eviction Prevention Services Fund
I’m Logan IT Foundation
William R. Kane
Harriet E. Kelso
Madge M. Kempe
Betty P. Kessler
Edna A. Klauser
Deborah Kynes Fund, in honor of Dr. Ed L. Pointer and Dorthene Lessley Pointer
James Lambright Memorial Fund
Leadership St. Pete Alumni Association
Walter Leahy Memorial (Clearwater Breakfast Sertoma)
Costas G. Lemonopoulos Scholarship
Catherine M. Lerenman
Betsy H. Liedtke
Sonia Linke Honorary Fund
George W. Linker
Shirley J. Magie
March to Macy’s 2022 for TSLCA
Ken Marks Sr.
Pat and Doug McDowell Fund
Patricia S. McGiverin Fund for the Homeless
Howard McGlasson
Judith A. McLeod
Muriel A. McNevins
W. Wallace Meissner
H. Robert Merrill Scholarship
Barbara Rose Miller
Stephen Miller and Terri Savage Charitable Fund
Wahnetah B. and Maurice P. Moffatt Charitable Trust
Kathleen Monahan Foundation Fund
Louis and Mila Montouri
Ellen M. Mullin
National Aviation Academy Scholarship
O – S
Chester H. Ochs
The Ollie M. Henry Kindness Fund
Meta and Virgil Osborn
Sallie Parks
Odette W. Patterson
David and Naomi Perkins Scholarship
George Petzold
Pinellas CARES Nonprofit Partnership Fund
Pinellas Community Foundation ACT II Fund
Pinellas Community Foundation Arts and Culture Fund
Pinellas Community Foundation Capital Improvement and Equipment Fund
Pinellas Community Foundation Childhood Hunger Relief Fund
Pinellas Community Foundation Emergency Childcare Support Fund
Pinellas Community Foundation Social Justice Fund
Donald and Leila Pouttu
Preschool Experience
Angela Probst
Wilbur and Madonna Ptak
Linda Reitz Fund for the Humane Society of Tampa Bay
Lucile H. Reno
Agnes M. Reuter
Ralph Richards
Riffe Foundation
Alison Beth Robinson
Joy Gilmore Roebling
Helen P.S. Rugg and Frank W. Rugg Memorial Trust Fund
St. Pete Giving Circle
Chester M. Schlicklin
F. Kiernan Schoonmaker Educator of the Year Award
F. Kiernan Schoonmaker Memorial Fund
Herbert C. and Mavis Schwartz
Helen D. Scott
Senior Citizens Services
John and Linda Shim Philanthropic Fund
The Don Smith Family Scholarship in Memory of Brian Lee Smith
South St. Pete Arts Fund
Philip L. Stevens Memorial Fund
Paul Stiegelmaier
Florence Stillwell
Mildred A. Stribling
Suncoast Jazz Festival Legacy Fund
Suncoast Jazz Festival Reserve Fund
The Sunshine Airedalers of South Florida Fund
Suzanne’s Giving With a Heart Fund
T – Z
Tampa Bay Disaster Relief Fund
Tampa Bay Housing Assistance Fund
Tampa Bay Resiliency Fund
Maude Ward Tate
Aneta I. Thomas
Amanda Thompson
Margaret Craig Thompson
Marjorie E. Thompson
Bernice S. Tilton Memorial Trust
Theodore P. Tonne and Marian H. Tonne Charitable Trust
Toward Higher Consciousness Foundation
Wilbur O. and Doris M. Townsend
Loren Trimble
Ukraine Humanitarian Relief Fund of Tampa Bay
Universal Show Band Fund
Mary Wyatt Upham Fund
Vanderkloot Fund
Marjorie B. Vary
Mario Vitelli
Violet E. Wakefield
Ferne M. Waldmann
Cecile L. Warner
West Klosterman Preserve Fund
Robin T. and Youngja White
Leonard T. and Carolyn G. Willey
Barbara H. Williams
Betty Hayes Wilson
Robert G. Wilson
The Woodson Campaign Fund
Josephine L. Zamoyski
Ziegler Family Fund
Walter R. Zimmerman