How Does an Artist Find Support?
The thing about visual arts is that they are such a solitary pursuit. In other art disciplines, there is usually a broader group or partnership involved in the development and publishing or performance of an artwork. Not so much with the visual artist (unless you’re involved in creating public art). Evaluation of your work is important but given sporadically. In my experience, those invited to share their opinions are carefully chosen. Ultimately, the visual artist goes it alone. And it is not until the artwork is out in the public that feedback occurs.
Connect With Other Artists
So, what do you do for feedback and support while you are working alone in your studio? It has been helpful for me to connect with artist communities and trusted friends. By the latter, I mean people whose observations and opinions are based on a genuine interest in artistic intent and who will share their perspective when solicited. Be thoughtful about who you invite into your inner sanctum!
Join an Art Organization
Aligning yourself with an art organization is helpful in several ways. First, you are connecting with other visual artists who understand what is involved in studio work. You get the opportunity to learn about different mediums, processes and professional experiences through demonstrations and workshops. It is a safe group in which to dialogue and get feedback about your work. And last but not least, most artist groups are interested in providing members with a variety of opportunities to show their work — giving artists broader feedback from the public.
Pinellas County has many organizations interested in having you as a member. Below are a few I’ve highlighted. You can ask around about other local groups. Don’t forget the larger art centers, such as Dunedin Fine Art Center and the Morean Arts Center.
I guarantee you will find one that will be a match. I’d love to hear about your choice!
Enjoy the search,

Website: Art by Lynn Foskett[/three_fourth_last] [/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Related Articles” _builder_version=”3.19″][authorposts] [/et_pb_tab][/et_pb_tabs]