PCF Social Opportunity Works Fund Grants Help Young Kings & Queens Expand Services
Thanks to PCF Social Justice Fund, Young Kings & Queens College Prep introduces more high school students to postsecondary education options.
Thanks to PCF Social Justice Fund, Young Kings & Queens College Prep introduces more high school students to postsecondary education options.
The Pinellas Community Foundation invests in nonprofits that are cultivating improved literacy and resilience in adolescents to expand social justice initiatives throughout the community.
The PCF Social Opportunity Works Fund invests in nonprofits that offer STEM- and Wellness-focused youth programs in Pinellas County. The fund focuses on nonprofits that are engaged in social justice initiatives.
A renewed focus on arts and culture has the Pinellas community booming with collaboration, discussion, and arts summer camps this year.
The Family Center on Deafness offers essential services to deaf or hard of hearing children. Through local partnerships and a focus on togetherness, FCD sponsors events and programs that support the deaf community.
The PCF Social Opportunity Works Fund aims to increase Tampa Bay nonprofits’ capacity and hands-on impact through trust-based philanthropy. The fund focuses on organizations working around issues of injustice and equity.
Students are struggling to be successful amid the pandemic. That’s why Pinellas Community Foundation supports the Shirley Proctor Puller Foundation in reviving education. SPPF programs provide families tools to help their children be successful despite the circumstances working against them. PCF and SPPF CEOs discuss challenges and wins in this interview.
Through PCF grants and other donations, the Shirley Proctor Puller Foundation offers South St. Petersburg students educational support.
Keep St. Pete Lit is an afterschool program that offers weekly writing classes at local elementary schools. The program provides students with an outlet for creative expression through the literary arts.
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