How to Turn Your Lonely Holidays Into Cheerful Ones

The holidays can be a difficult time for older adults, especially those who live by themselves. Feelings of loneliness can get worse during the holiday season, when it feels like you should be out celebrating with other people.

Here are a few tips to help overcome feeling lonely during the holidays.

1. Reach Out and Make Plans

For people who live alone or have lost someone close to them, it may feel like there is no one around to spend time with during the holidays. In most cases, that is simply not true. It might feel awkward at first to reach out to family and friends to make plans for the holiday season, but the truth is that the people in your life really care about you and want to spend time with you.

The holidays are a busy time, and it’s entirely possible that an invite to the big holiday get-together simply slipped a family member or friend’s mind. Another possibility is that they assumed you already had plans with someone else. Reach out with a quick phone call and let them know you’d like to be with them this holiday season.

2. Tell Someone How You Feel

If you’re feeling lonely, tell someone close to you. Your friends and family may have no idea how you’re feeling. Chances are they will be glad you opened up to them, and they will want to help you.

If you wish your grandchildren would come visit more often, let them know. If you’d like to have a weekly coffee date with a small group of friends, ask if they’re available. The people in your life won’t know you want to spend time with them until you tell them.

Even saying hello to your neighbor or holding the door for someone at the store, can make you feel more connected. A simple smile or wave in return could be just the thing to brighten your day.

3. Volunteer

Giving back to your community is a wonderful way to feel connected during the holidays. Volunteering allows you to spend time with like-minded people and help out those less fortunate than you.

Here in Pinellas County there are countless ways you can volunteer your time this holiday season. Food banks in the area like the St. Petersburg Free Clinic and the RCS Food Bank in Clearwater can always use extra help this time of year, or you could help out at an animal shelter like Friends of Strays.

Contact us

If you’re looking for a way to give back this holiday season, please contact us to learn more about ways to volunteer or give to worthwhile causes in Pinellas County.

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